GIRLS PLAY: Gaming Streaming.

The world of videogames and streaming is no longer an ‘only male’ territory. Girls have much to say. That’s why we brought Jen Herranz and Paracetamol, a communicator specialised in video games and technology and a gamer and tireless streamer, respectively, together for a chat. We asked them about their role in a world rife with gender clichés.

Jen Herranz recalls how when she started in this industry there were times when ‘every comment she made on any game’ was questioned.

Raquel (Paracetamol) found it easier ‘to socialise in the gamer world than at school’. But she saw her ability contested despite 8 years of playing.

Raising the profile of such an important issue as equality is the main goal of this unabashed campaign, with which we confirm that gender stereotypes belong to the past.

Click here and see everything they told us.